Heaphy - Wangapeka - leslie-karamea

I want to do the Heaphy with some friends in about 10 days. Due to off season the transport is pretty expensive and it will be hard to get the 4 people minimum for the shuttle to go (currently 160$ pP with min of 4 for all transport). Now I had the idea to do the Heaphy (east to west), get picked up there from the people that run the hostel in Karamea, resupply (is there a supermarket???), stay one night in the hostel and have them drop us off on the start of the Wangapeka. Then do the leslie-karamea route to come out pretty close to Motueka that we actually can get a friend to pick us up. That way the transport still comes to 100$ pP if we use the shuttle to Brown Hut, but we'd have a lot more time and fun hiking. Has anyone done this combination before? is it thinkable for 3 fit girls (one of them a mountain guide) to attempt to join these two hikes?
There is a small four square supermarket in Karamea. Has a reasonable selection from memory.
Awesome trip! Go for it.
trip of a life time, go for it .I done years ago ,even though we had eight days of continuel rain it was awesome . we done it from Karamea end as it's not far from home, and no you will not have any trouble restocking in Karamea . enjoy take your time and don't take risks,the folk from Karamea will look after you
Yeah it is a great trip. About 4 years ago I did the Heaphy followed by a few days in Karamea before heading east on the Wangapeka. I think it was late october - the weather was not that great, hail storms on the Gouldland Downs and a blizzard heading over the Little Wanganui Saddle. I have also done the Leslie Karamea on its own from east to west in July two years ago, again a pretty good trip, but there was rain every day and I had to spend an extra couple of night in Trevor Carter Hut waiting for the rain to go off and the creeks to drop. so best to plan for some weather delays. There was hardly anyone else out, apart from a few people at Flora Hut on day on the first day i only met two people in the next 7 days on the track. Karamea is well worth a couple of days out between trips, i could get all the stuff i needed there to resupply and i even posted some extra gear to Rongo backpackers to pick up when i got there. Rongo is a great place and i am now good friends with the owners, I am sure you'll have a great trip.
yes, Rongo would be the place we would stay. But it looks like time pressure means we can only do the Heaphy and have to drop the Wangapeka - Leslie-karamea :( I found someone who does car relocation, though. Since it is 3 of us that comes way cheaper than transport that costs per person.
we just returned from the Hepahy and it was fantastic! Rain only on the last day walking out and then it was good Westcoast rain, we were soaked when we arrived at the shelter. But clothes in the backpacks stayed dry :) Another time I definitely want to do the Wangapeka - Leslie-Karamea.
we just returned from 3rd trip Leslie-Karamea .still as great as ever, 6 days starting at the Flora and finishing westcoast side . only rain we struck was at night hot and fine during day. could not believe the number of fisherman we meet and helicopters buzzing in and out but still good to see plenty of trout as allways. track due for a tidy up as there are many trees blocking the route , the new huts are fantastic I think we are spoilt.I think I will buzz in and out by Helicopter with a fishing rod next time ha ha

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
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On 12 June 2011
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