Vibram Five Fingers

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There is a big article in our local paper, praising the benefits of Vibram Five Fingers, for running anyway. I see they have a Trek model I wonder if anyone here has tried them for light tramping or around the campsite etc.
I haven't tried them but quite a few ultralight hikers in the US seem to use them, or other "barefoot" shoes as their primary footwear. Search the forums of for reviews/opinions. The most common comment I've seen is that the five fingers take some getting used to as your feet and leg muscles need to adjust to a different walking/running style. Other "barefoot" shoes include New Balance MT101 and Minimus, and the Merrel Trail Glove.
I was intrigued by these and tried some in napier about a month back but my Wharehouse boat shoes are much lighter and pack down smaller for around the hut. also alot cheaper by $100,s of dollars
I met a guy in the Kaweka Ranges who always wears them for deerstalking because they are very light and quiet. He was walking over rocky terrain quite comfortably, and fast. As nzbazza said above, he found it took a while to get his foot muscles used to them.
Part of me is keen to try them.
is it your feet?
Yes, so why are they called 5 fingers?
should be called 5 toes but fingers sounds nicer. They are an oddball thing which I thought was aimed more at runners. Personally I would rather a shoe or boot I could wear socks in especially with the winter snow coming.
I an sure the marketing manager at Five Fingers would smile that this question had been asked. Mission accomplished he would say. :-)
my original question was for militaris?
1–10 of 14

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