wasps destroying Nelson's forests....

http://www.stuff.co.nz/science/5105008/Beech-forest-wasps-causing-unfolding-eco-disaster Yes and they also sting you...
Was down in Nelson Lakes last year in April and the wasps were certainly evident. Met a couple of DOC workers near John Tait Hut who had been out trying to poison some of the nests and had suffered some nasty stings as a result. There has to be a bright zoologist out there specializing in wasp eradication...
I thought the parasite introduced 10 years ago had had a major impact on wasp numbers or is that no longer the case. Before the parasite was introduced noone stayed at the Pelorous bridge camp.
I did the Travers-Sabine loop this April (2011) - wasps were very much in evidence through both Travers and Sabine valleys. We disturbed a nest on the track downstream from West Sabine hut and copped a few stings as a result. The last of our party had to detour many meters around the swarm to avoid being stung. No doubt many know of the old 'blue bag' laundry bleach (no longer sold) that was moistened and dabbed on stings to provide instant pain relief. The same result can be had with sodium bicarbonate - aka baking soda (the active ingredient in the blue bag). Carry a small container in your 1st aid kit - put a small amount on your palm, add a small amount of water to make a slurry then apply to the sting. FYI: baking powder is just sodium bicarb + an acid salt + filler - it would work but not as well.
I see heaps of wasps in both Nelson lakes and Richmond range. I hate the buggers and normally block in the nests when I find one.

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