Tramps in North Island end of May/June?

Hello, I'm seeking recommendations for tracks to tramp in the North Island. I just came up from the South Island after spending February to April tramping around with fairly good weather. Now that it's heading into winter, I've noticed the more frequent wet/windy weather in the North. I was originally planning to look for temporary work in Wellington but haven't been successful so I've decided to continue tramping the North Island for another month or so. So far, I've walked Totara Flats to Mt. Holdsworth circuit, Queen Charlotte, Mueller Hut, Green Lake, Kepler, Routeburn, Greenstone, Mevora Lakes, Rees - Dart, Cascade Saddle, Hollyford, Avalanche Peak, Travers-Sabine, and St. James Walkway. I'm not comfortable walking in snow or wet/windy weather, so I usually wait for a forecast of 4-5 days of clear weather. Thanks! Thomas
I didn't visit hot springs in South Island, and I'd be interested in considering tramps with hot springs.
The place that springs top mind (if you would excuse the pun) is Mangatanoika Springs in from the Hawkes Bay on the banks of the Mohaka
if you're interested in looking at my tramping photos
You have some great pics there. Thanks for sharing
You have some great pics there. Thanks for sharing
Agree - great pictures - inspiring stuff - you could try the Ruapehu Round The Mountain Circuit - not sure if there is much snow up there yet - if you get a 4/5 day fine weather window that would be a nice one to do. You could check out The Ohinepango Springs on route - they are cold water ones though - good hot pools in Tokaanu for when you have finished the tramp :)
I just finished the northern circuit and did the crossing twice because the first day was cloudy and icey. 2nd time was clear and I climbed ngauruhoe! up was scary, down was fun. not sure what to do next with the bad weather coming. I'm wondering if lake matameona or however its spelled is worth doing even if its year round booking? how is the pouaki track? cape rienga?
lake waikaremoana, sorry. I'm in napier. kaweka looks close. but they're both difficult to reach without a car.
Do the southern crossing, not in winter tho.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by azntwboy
On 25 May 2011
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