after advice on water purification tablets

Not strictly a tramping topic, sorry, but I thought some people here might have good advice. I'm off to Africa soon and will be spending a month camping in Damaraland. No running water or showers; long drop toilets, etc. The recommended gear list includes "water purification tablets - iodine based." I haven't been able to find out what the likely bacteria / parasites present in the area are. I can find "Aquatabs" which seem to be chlorine based (NaDCC) for 28c per litre treated, and iodine tabs ($1 per litre treated), in the shops. I can't find much useful on the internet about efficacy etc - have even read the scientific studies on the Aquatabs website and am still confused. Does anyone know if it is reasonable to go with the Aquatabs, or is iodine better? Or do you suggest anything else? Thanks for any suggestions
This link provides a fairly comprehensive discussion on water treatment. It's slanted for the Australian environment but I think it will answer most of your questions. Be aware that Aus (and NZ) does not have water-bore viruses - we only need to consider bacterial (and less so chemical) contaminants. Africa, on the other hand, has a plethora of viruses and other pathogens and parasites with which to contend ! You may also find location-specific information at TV+MC TM+VC are used by many NGOs and semi-government bodies when placing staff overseas.

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Forum The campfire
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On 24 May 2011
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