Best Tramping for June/July in South Island?

Hey there, My partner and I are planning on tramping for a few days somewhere in the south island. I was hoping for a Sounds trip but I'm new here so I don't know which is best. I was thinking a trip around 4-7 days, a hut isn't a necessity, and I can deal with rain if I absolutely have to. Let me hear your insight, I'd like to go somewhere that won't be completely rained out or ridiculously freezing. Thanks!
Do you want to stay completely on tracks? Or are you happy to suss out your own routes off-track?
A few suggestions: Queen Charlotte is easy tracks with the option of camping or staying in private lodges, cabins etc along the way. The Heaphy is safe in winter (good track, no avalanche risk even if it does snow), with good huts and it was pretty quiet when I did it in July. However sometimes you can't get to the eastern end of the track if the fords are up. The Abel Tasman Coast track was also very quiet when I went in June, and won't have problems with snow / avalanches / access. You could combine it with the Inland Track for a bit more challenge, that would still be a safe reliable option for winter (we went there when we couldn't get to the Heaphy due to flooding). Ridiculously freezing conditions are less likely in the northern South Island and away from the mountains (ie the above suggestions), but are still quite possible. We had snow and frosts on the Abel Tasman Inland track in June. There are heaps more options in the upper south island if you want to get off the beaten track a bit more, but even the main popular tracks aren't likely to be busy/crowded at that time of year.
Thanks for the responses! Nope, not afraid to off-road a bit, definitely going to check out Abel Tasman Coast and the Inland. Cheers!

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by RigglysFriend
On 27 March 2011
Replies 3
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