Greenstone vs Caples from car park to divide?

Hello! I am setting off from the Greenstone carpark tomorrow mornin, March 6th and I need to be at the divide shelter (well, I need to be in Te Anau) on the 8th. I'm wondering which trail I should follow- the Greenstone or Caples? any suggestions? I'm staying in my tent and can walk a fairly good pace, and I know I can do the Caples with plenty of time, is the Greenstone much longer? does one track have more interesting scenery?
Would recommend the Capils - so much more interesting with the forest and river to keep you company. Head for upper Capils Hut day one. The Greenstone I find is eather boring. Open grassy valley and tussock. Enjoy.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by sclair
On 5 March 2011
Replies 1
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