How to pack a Primus bottle pump

Hi there, I have recently purchased a Primus stove with the intention that I will use gas canisters if possible but I like the idea of being able to use petrol etc in a pinch. However, now that I try and pack this into my pack I'm facing the reality that I don't know how to pack the pump so that it doesn't get damaged. Does anyone have any suggestions?
If it is a Primus I think it will be fairly robust. MSR plastic pumps are renowned for breaking. One idea is to pack it inside a billy if it will fit, or wrap a piece of spare clothing around it.
The newer red MSR pumps are quite robust and give little trouble. The primus pumps are quite good as well. In both cases the instructions say they can be left in the bottle but I wouldnt do this. I have a MSR dragonfly and always but everything back in its bag then put the bag inside a suitable billy with other gear placed around it to stop the rattle etc. Do always let the stove cool before packing. 2 things to be very careful about with your primus. 1 Make sure you know how to use it on liquid fuel before trying this in the great outdoors. Ive seen some students (probably rocket scientists by now) buy a primus stove try it on gas then buy a litre of kero and tramp into Kime hut. They had no idea about preheating. Luckily kero running all over the bench doesnt catch fire too easily. Petrol does. A little practise can avoid disaster 2 If you are travelling by air look up the rules about carrying fuel bottles. It might be easier to leave the fuel bottle at home and buy new gas canisters at your destination and dispose of them before going home

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Started by Dr Claw
On 1 March 2011
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