Dusky Track this season

Hi All! I'm looking for company to do the Dusky Track sometime this summer. Dates are fairly flexible for me, though I live in Perth so need a little time to book flights, etc. I'm 42, very fit and reasonably experienced - see my profile for more info. Let me know if interested. Cheers, Ian
Hi Ian, I'm interested in revisiting the Dusky if you've not found a tramping partner yet and if I'm free at the right time (planning to meet friends for a tramp sometime in March - dates not finalised).
Hi Zuffy, Yes, I'm still looking for a fellow tramper for Dusky. I was actually about to book a trip to Tasmania instead but there's no rush for that. I'm hoping to get back down to NZ as well when the RWC is on, but that'll be "out of season" for Dusky. What dates suit you? I'm still reasonably flexible throughout March. Hope you didn't get affected by the CHC quake - terrible news. Cheers, Ian
Hi Ian, Yes, CHC earthquake very bad but I wasn't affected. I'm about to do an 8 day tramp in Nelson Lakes tomorrow so will be out of contact. Between 4th to 13th March is good for me. End of March may be possible as well but won't know until I return. Sorry all very short notice. Will check for messages in am. Can text my NZ mobile as well: 0064 (0)220652210. I'm happy to meet up for the Dusky but don't worry if Tasmania looks like the better option this time. Zoe
Hi Zoe, Glad you are safe! Not sure if you'll get this now with 5 hour time difference between Perth and NZ. End of March would be much easier for me to organize but it's not impossible I can make 4th to 13th. I'd rather do Dusky if I can - Tasmania was just the fall back plan. Will PM you and text as well. I don't seem to get emails when you make replies to the post. Enjoy NL - I have some great pics from the top of Mt Angelus! Cheers, Ian
Hi Ian, back from NL and realised I had dates wrong anyway as forgot Feb is a short month. Meeting friends for walking in April now so end of March fine to meet for Dusky. Not sure how much time you are giving yourself for this but allowing an extra couple of days would be great incase of bad weather. Also, we may have to have a Plan B if it's a complete no go. Its probably best for me to work around your dates now, so go ahead and book flights and we can go from there. I'm in Nelson now and it will take a little while to travel south. I have a car, so transport no problem. You can contact me at the following address: [Email address removed] Zoe
Check profile for email address!

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by scrambler2
On 9 February 2011
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