DIY camp stove heat shields?

Ive just copied this from another thread. DIY camp stove heat shields? Hi Suggestions are greatly appreciated from anyone who has sourced the material elsewhere as we are up for getting a couple of new stove heat shields but to get one at a tramping shop is nearly $40 each. The plan is to get a sheet of the raw material and customise shields to fit various cookware. I have tried builders/plumbers suppliers and the local aluminium dealer but just get blank looks. The latter had none of the thinner (0.7 and 0.9mm) sheets in stock the day I visited so there's still hope there If you mean the MSR style heat shields. They are expensive. You can buy a Coglins version at about half the price but I dont think it includes the circular section to go under the stove. These are made from a heavy gauge foil. The only source I can think of for this would be the disposable roasting pans sold at the $2 shop. Otherwise get a aluminium bakeing tray and cut into 150 x 70mm rectangles and get some small split rings Drill holes in the long edges and use the split rings as hinges. 6 sections will make a nice fold-able heat shield that will last forever
Aluminium baking trays don't work - they break rather than flex. I use some foil I found at work - 0.7mm if I remember correctly - I cut some off 10 years ago and it is still going.
I have an aluminium pie dish that I use for this purpose. It works fine when I use it. I just stake it up on the windward side with a tent peg. Sure it is starting to look a bit ratty now but if I wast another I guess i will go buy another pie. It's still cheaper and I get to eat pie. I recall a while ago someone getting some off cuts from a Lockwood. They use aluminium in the construction there somewhere. You could try your local Lockwood dealer.

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Forum The campfire
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On 27 January 2011
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