Fishing-Tramping-Trip Suggestions?

Hi all, I have decided to make that yummy fillet that I have been dreaming of on so many trips before a reality! Can anyone recommend a nice easy to moderately hard four to eight day trip in the south island either along the coast or along rivers - or both - that offers good fishing? Or any nice trips in the south island with good fishing, for that matter? THANKS! Matt
ummm... most tramps in river valleys have the potential for good trout fishing. But the Karamea track springs to mind. Saltwater fishing, Abel Tasman coastal track, Queen Charlotte Track, and Nydia Bay Track would be my picks. Same of the Stewart Island tracks could also have potential, but I do not know that area.
With regards to freshwater fishing, most of the high country rivers are best suited to fly fishing, and often require a good deal of skill and experience to have success. Spin fishing might fail to bring much reward for effort.
Karamea River system, The Roaring Lion and the Ugly being highly regarded. The Hollyford could offer both trout and surfcasting?
Have to be careful not to tangle a helicopter with your back cast when fishing the Karamea.
The Roaring Lion and the Ugly are in a Wilderness Area. No landings and very good fishing. I've been wanting to visit for ten years now. It's untracked travel, but the fishing would equal the best.
If only what you say was true. Yes it is a wilderness area, and no it does not stop the helicopters. The area is not (or very weakly) policed, and if they are caught not much happens. I have heard someone describe the Karamea catchment "like rush hour on Queen Street, there are so many choppers flying in and out with anglers all over the show." There is even a established helipad right on the edge of the Wilderness area, right by the mouth of the roaring lion. That is used by the more honest pilots. Yes it is a amazing river still, but it is not protected by isolation nor low angler numbers.
Maybe the Dusky sound track. It has trout and sea fishing. I did it years ago and caught a nice feed of cod at Supper cove.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
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On 23 January 2011
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