Spam crap

1–10 of 16

All this spam crap is getting beyond a joke. I know you are working on solutions MAtthew but is there nothing we can do in the intrim to prevent these morons from stacking the forums with absolute dross?
Matthew -- I don't know the details of how your server's set up, but can comments and other new content maybe be piped through something like SpamAssassin before it's accepted?
Sigh. I'll see what I can do.
1 deleted post from geeves
Im a moderator on another forum and have learnt the hard way that the spam always gets through. The only thing that works is to delete as found and block that sender. You could block access from certain ip ranges but that limits the people that can use the forum. You could make NZ only but how many potential visitors look at this forum before coming to NZ. You can block certain keywords but sooner or later someone will use one of those words for a legitimate purpose. The more you block to stop spam the less useful the forum gets. Most spammers only use one user id so easy to ban but I had a run with one that created a new login for every message. Ended up banning 100000 addresses in Mumbai. please be kind to the moderator hes doing his best to beat the spammers but hes only one guy against many
Where is everyone out walking i hope,i have never seen the site so quiet
There's something broken with the forums which means most posts aren't showing up properly in many places.
I've notinced this too. Strange happenings since all this spam crap has targeted us. Still don't understand what spammers hope to gain, if why bother?
They hope to gain money. Yeah. Also been suffering a few problems and inability to post.
I sent Matthew a private message, not sure if it got through. My guess is that Matthew's made a change to try and block some spam, but accidentally broken something in the process without realising.
I just wish him the best of luck in stopping this rubbish from getting through. Would be nice if there was some form of payback, but that would just be perpetuating this crap.....unfortunately.....!
1–10 of 16

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