Travelmate wanted.

Hey I am 21 and travelling the South Island for about a year. Tramping is my passion but I also like rock climbing and kayaking and I would like to start with easy mountaineering to get onto some of the peaks that most track just surround. I have no car so I am hitching between the tracks. I also found two books about all the tracks that u dont find that easily at an doc office so they are uncrowded but really spectactular too. Because I dont have the possibility of using Internet often I just leave my number. If you are interested just leave me a sms because my phone is out of service most of the time. 0220752262 (Please dont do any shit with the number) looking forward to get a message I dont care about gender or age!
hi im looking for a tramping parter to come with me on the dusky track, the track is remote, often hard work ........ you can look on line at the track and get back to me , looking at late march , am flexy with dates.....
Would be helpful perhaps if there was something in your profile saying who you were, experience and all that kind of stuff. Makes life a lot easier when seeking tramping partners.
thaks , have updated my profile
Hello! Im a 27 year old female looking for a tramping partner to do the Te Araroa trail. from north to south tip. around 19 October 2011-19 march 2012. if your interested. my partner skipped out.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Rover
On 31 December 2010
Replies 4
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