Hi, moving to NZ in January 2011

Hello, I couldn't see a general Introduce Yourself thread anywhere so I hope you don't mind me posting a new topic. My partner and I are moving to Christchurch from Australia next year (in 2 weeks for me) and we're both outdoors people and professional photographers. I found this forum whilst researching public access land and tracks - looks like a great community here! I've been plotting waypoints into my eTrex but since discovering the Koordinates site I'm now revising my WPs to ensure they're all in public conservation land. Also checking out some of the tracks: http://koordinates.com/layer/754-doc-public-conservation-land-jan-2010/ I'll get my partner Jenny to introduce herself here too :) Cheers, Nat
I've plotted a few routes in KML, just some short road stops, if you want to have a look in Google Earth. All on public land: http://www.purecaffeine.com/download/kml/AKRPK%20Akaroa%20summit.kml http://www.purecaffeine.com/download/kml/AKROB%20Akaroa%20Orton%20Breadley%20Park%20overlook.kml http://www.purecaffeine.com/download/kml/AKRHE%20Akaroa%20Mount%20Herbert.kml http://www.purecaffeine.com/download/kml/KORTO%20Korowai-Torlesse%20Tussocklands%20Park.kml
Hi everyone! I'm the Jenny Nathanael was referring to, but my online name is Allyeska. I've visited NZ 4 times - 3 times just to the South Island - and I'm very much looking forward to living there and having such amazing landscapes so readily accessible. I wont be able to do the major hikes as I have a rare muscle condition called McArdles Disease (also known as Glycogen Storage Disease Type V, or GSDV), so I will be looking for hikes with gradual inclines as opposed to hikes like Sealy Tarn! SO I look forward to learning from you about easy to moderate, short and day hikes, or longer hikes that might be day hikes for everyone else, but ones we could do as overnighters. Cheers! Ally

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Forum The campfire
Started by NathanaelB
On 28 December 2010
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