Easy-access Huts to get out of this rain!

In Greymouth at the moment. Was a bit bummed out that this weather will probably p[revent a proper Christmas tramp. been scratching my head where to find shelter for free and then it dawned on me that with our hut passes, we could jsut find a hut just a little ways down a track to get us out of the rain. Anywhere from Karamea to Haast or across Arthurs Pass would be fair game, but as we're hitchhiking, it would need to be a tramp starting from a highway. Preferably less than an hour walk, since we won't have unloaded our traveling gear. Any suggestions? Probably call DoC in the morning, but figured someone out there might have an idea of a nice scenic hut that perhaps they usually pass by and had always wanted to stay in.
Actually just discovered the hut map tool. I imagine this doesn't map all the huts(?) The Bealey Hut at the beginning of the Cass-Lagoon would probably do in a pinch, although a serviced or standard hut would be nice!
If you mean the map on this site, then it shows all the huts in the database, which is not all of them, but the coverage is probably pretty comprehensive around Arthur's Pass. Bealey Hut is simple but tidy and not at all run down. recommend it. That's about the only one that's right close to the road. Others are probably about 2 hours' walk.
Ok, then it sounds like Bealey is definitely an anomaly, and I was glad to take advantage. We also went into the Blowfly/Blue River Hut to get out of the rain for christmas and it was only just over and hour to get in.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by glacier_fed
On 21 December 2010
Replies 3
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