Wet Weather Gear

Am about to invest in a raincoat. It's gona cost and I would like to invest wisely. Any comments from those that are staying dry in the rain? What are you using? Any comment on the Oringi tramper jacket?
101–105 of 105

I would go for "light" as carrying a heavy raincoat is a pain. I have found lighter raincoats just as good - the Marmot Precip is excellent and I am from the West Coast. I'm sure of the weight of the Oringi but if you can't lift a tramping raincoat easily with one finger I wouldn't buy it. I have an ultralight goretex coat too for anything seriously risky with heavy rain but my marmot Precip has cut the mustard now for a few years.
watch out for 2 layer shells. the membranees are more vulerable to wearing off, 2.5 like the precip have an extar hard wearing layer printed over the membrae to aid durability, three layer have tricot mesh over the top and are even more durable
$10 yellow button up hooded plastic raincoat from Wharewhare, and polyprop underneath. Better than any thing else i have used, a bit of condensation , but any one who sweats (or perspires) gets that. The more expensive coats tend to wear out at the shoulders with use , and goretex is effective for about 4-5 years anyway
101–105 of 105

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Forum Gear talk
Started by chocs
On 10 March 2008
Replies 104
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