any interest in going for a walk in about a week?

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Tony I'm an Aussie, intending on going for a walk in NZ, probably South Island. I'm working this out VERY last minute, and I could use your help. I want to go for a walk for just under a week, I want to submerge myself in a beautiful place. I'm fit and experienced on mountains. I'm looking to start walking in about a week!!! I know its not much warning, but it may work, and it could be cool to meet a knew person over the trail. I am very happy solo travelling too, so if you have info on walks or recommendations on what to do, I'd appreciate your feedback, Regards, Tony Delete
Hiya I am a kiwi guy, also doing sometramping next week... i fly ak to queenstown on thurs 9 dec, and basically plan to do some tracks around there and possibly the wanaka region, matukituki valley too.. drop me a line if you want to meet up ! cheers stephen

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Started by tonyL
On 4 December 2010
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