Routeburn and Kepler Track

Hello...I'm a 24 year old female from Canada and I'm going to be travelling around the South Island from mid January until the beginning of March. I am looking to spend most of my time tramping and am looking for a partner (or two!) to do the Routeburn and Kepler Tracks with. Also interested in a partner to walk the Abel Tasman Coast Track. I am an experienced hiker and have all gear/equipment necessary - let me know!!! Shelby
Hi Shelby! I currently live in Manapouri, quiet close to the Kepler Track. Depending when you want to walk it, I could get days off to do it, though January and February will be pretty busy at work. Frauke (from Germany)
Great! I was thinking mid-February...i'm pretty flexible with dates around that time, so if specific days are better for you i'm good with whenever.
it's a bit difficult. Weekends are really bad, other days I dont know yet. It depends how busy the tourism season is going to be. sorry, I cant tell you much in advance if it will work. Best you plan for yourself and if it fits, I will join.
Alright no need to apologize, that's entirely understandable. I'm going to book the hike for February 18-21 and hopefully you can work something out and join me! Keep well.
Shelby, I'm at 26 yo male from the US doing a working holiday here. I'm in Nelson now but will be probably based in Queenstown area starting early January. I'm doing the Kepler and the Dusky over the holidays but after that I'd be interested in any of the good ones in Fiordland, Mt Aspiring or Arthurs Pass. I'm also hoping to do Stewart Island. Just let me know what you're thinking for January and hopefully we can work things out. I'm somewhat experienced and have all the gear. best, Evan
Hi Shelby I'm a 29 year old english girl living in Oz and am keen to do a couple of the great walks Is there any chance you're doing abel tasman and/or routeburn in the next couple of weeks with a group i could potentially join? Hope you're having a great trip Sophie

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Shelby
On 13 November 2010
Replies 6
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