buying gear online and getting it posted to NZ

I know some of you buy stuff online from the UK/the US and get it posted to NZ. I have been reading many glowing reviews of Hilleberg tents but as they're not available in NZ, I would need to get it posted here from the US. Am I likely to incur import duties or the like as it goes through customs/the NZ postal service? Cheers
Depends on the value of what you are importing I think. I don't know what the limit is. I have bought stuff on line from overseas and never been charged. The maximum you will be charged is 15% GST anyway. Importantly it is also best to check how much they charge for shipping and the exchange rate as well.
No revenue collection will be made if the total amount owing on the goods imported is less than $60. There is a 5% duty rate on tent imports. So the price of the tent would be charged at 20% and the postage on the tent would be charged at 15%
I must be lucky then. I imported $US100 worth of groundsheets from REI last month and they just arrived in the post.
US$100 of ground sheets would only have around $20 of tax owed so is beneath the $60 threshold. I suppose you would need a total purchase price of around $300USD.
Ahh, I see, the amount owing, not the amount of purchase.
If you do happen to break the $60 threshold then all kinds of extra fees and charges are applied. In my experience they are also extremely slack with regards to letting you know they got your parcel in storage (they charge for storage)
There's more information on the fees that get charged here: And a couple of examples on how the calculations apply here:
Thanks for all the info - a great help.
Not exactly answering your question, but we bought a Hilleberg tent late last year direct from them and not from the US. They were extremely helpful. And the tent is highly recommended. The groundsheet is rather thin, so if you think you're gonna camp on rough ground then opt for the extra groundsheet.

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Forum Gear talk
Started by Brynley
On 27 October 2010
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