Tramping Partner(s) Nov 13 to Dec 15?

I'm looking for a tramping partner for any length of time from mid-November to mid-December. I'm a 21 year old (male) student from the US. When I'm done with exams in Dunedin I want to get the hell out. I have experience tramping in both NZ and in the States and I am in good shape. I definitely plan to do the Routeburn and maybe connect it with the Greenstone and/or Caples (suggestions on this?). I have yet to go to Fiordland (I've been looking into the Dusky track), and I would also like to check out the glaciers. My plans are wide open, the exception being that I may be volunteering at Mueller hut the last week of November. As an aside, I'm more interested in taking my time enjoying a few tracks rather than rushing through as many as possible just to say that I've "been there, done that." An ideal tramping partner would be similarly laid back and flexible with plans. Any gender or age suits me. Cheers, Robin PS. It's not tramping, but I'd love to spend a day or two bouldering at Castle Hill - anyone else keen for this?
hey man i am a 28 year old form the states and am going to be traveling on the south island on about the same dates would love to spend a few days climbing but don't have any of my gear except my 5.10 guide tennis. I want to do as much hiking as possable and see as much of the west coast as I can. I have had lots of experance in the back country in the states and just want to see what i can while I am here. I have a van and am looking for some fellow travels to help pay for gas and to hike with let me know if you are interested. [Email address removed] or the best way is to call or text 0220410359
hey shawn, check your inbox on this site - i sent you a message there (your email address was removed from the post). you can also text me at 0226701915 if you want. robin

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Robiño
On 25 October 2010
Replies 2
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