looking for someone to go bush with on SI soon

I am a 29 year old male (student) with little in the way of bush experience but I'm reasonably fit (wouldn't be concerned walking 8/9/10 hours for a few days in a row, depending on how tough the going was, of course) and would like to do some multi-day bush-bashing with someone more experienced to gain some skills and knowledge. I'm currently in Auckland but I have transport based near Christchurch and would plan to fly down to pick it up. Willing to drive anywhere on SI if splitting gas money at least part of the way. Also, it'd be neat to get near some decent trout water as I have a compact fly-rod if it's acceptable to divert in that sort of way now and again ;-) I'm available pretty much all summer to do this but that might change with the evolving work situation. Initially, I'd like to do something in the week beginning 14th November if possible. If anyone's up for doing something then please get in contact. :) J

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Started by jsr__
On 20 October 2010
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