
Hi guys. I am going to nz for the first time in february. I find it difficult to find out rules about where I can put it up. Is it okay anywhere as long as it isnĀ“t private land?
There are designated camping spots on the Great Walks. Reserves may have No Camping signs posted. Generally in Forest and National Parks, camping is allowed anywhere.
If you are tramping in the backcountry on the DOC estate then you can camp anywhere, the exception is the Great Walk Tracks which you cannot camp within 500m of unless in designated places and many of those require pre booking. In populated places you won't be too popular if you just camp anywhere on road side reserves etc. Most councils probably have bylaws prohibiting camping and parking campervans in these places. However most towns have commercial camping grounds where you can camp for fee and there are cooking facilities and toilets. However these get crowded in the popular places in the summer. You might also check out http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-stay/conservation-campsites-by-region/ DOC have camping areas that are a little more basic and cheaper than the commercial ones. They are in semi remote or scenic places generally.
I think one big issue is defecating near the camp site. We have had hassles here in Christchurch with campervans in various sites in the city leaving their deposits unburied.
It's an issue in Rotorua too. People just parking their campervans in roadside carparks where there are no facilities etc. There are bylaws against it and they will be moved on by the authorities. They say NZ is a friendly country but, like anywhere else, there is an unsavory element that prey on tourists. People camping in carparks leave themselves awfully vulnerable.

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