
Hey all I was wondering if anyone has done the loop from Makahu saddle hut - Dominie hut - Back ridge hut - Ballard Hut - Middle hill hut - Kaweka flats biv then back to the carpark? I am looking at doing this probably during summer and I was wondering if anyone had a time estimate for this trip, I`ll have about 4-5 days so would try to do this within this time frame. Cheers Jono
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Hi - does anyone know of any transport options from Napier to the Makuhu Saddle Carpark (other than taxi) met some one who paid $100 for taxi ride the other day - ouch. Cheers.
$100 for a taxi from Napier to Makahu sounds like a very cheap taxi ride. It must be nearly a 200km round trip and a minimum of 3hrs. Do the maths as they say, $100 from which all the expenses have to come. Petrol alone would account for most of that. Great spot Makahu, gives unsurpassed access to the Kawekas
I was sitting in Dominie Bivy one time, brewing up, wondering how I was going to get into Napier or Hastings when I got down to Makahu Saddle. Then a fellow walked in after having walked up the hill. I ended up offering him a cup of tea in return for a ride into town. It was an offer he quickly accepted. Just shows a cup of tea can be worth $100.
21–23 of 23

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Forum The campfire
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