Milford Track in October

Hi, my name´s Iker, and i´m from the Bask Country, in the north of Spain, and i´m going to do the Milford Track the last week of October. My question is, what kind of gear do i need? Of course, i´ve read it´s a "wet" track, because of the rain, but, ¿what about temperature an weather in the MacInnon Pass?¿Probability of snow an ice? Average temperature in the track......... Thank you very much for your attention
Hello Iker and welcome. Im going to be walking the Milford for the first time in November! The Fiordland area is usually still quite cold and wet in Spring. I am expecting there to still be some snow on the ground on MacKinnon Pass when I do it. Expect temperatures from 0-10 degrees, less if the wind is blowing (or if it starts snowing... which it can so all year round!). Bring some warm clothing for use in the huts at night or if you stop to have a rest along the way, a good waterproof raincoat (and if you have them waterproof overpants), and then all the normal gear (wooly hat, sun hat, gloves, sleeping bag, etc.) You won't need a gas cooker as the Great Walks Season starts on the 25th October and DoC supplies gas.

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Forum Gear talk
Started by moiseis
On 6 September 2010
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