bivy bags/tents

Hi, Would be interested to hear about anyones experience with bivy bags/tents. I usually carry a macpac microlight, but on longer trips in the Tararuas would prefer a lower weight option, under 1 kg. I'm not keen on just a cover bag and would like a bit of room to move around, along the lines of the Outdoor Research or Fairydown bush bivy options.Any advice? Cheers Jonathan
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There is a very comprehensive report on that Terra Nova tent here. I am impressed. With the development of new fabrics this is something to keep an eye on.
Yes, very thorough review of a slightly heavier and wider model (competition). I did a reviews for BGT too but the software drove me nuts so I packed it in. I see the the reviewer prefers to use just the fly (tarp tent) because using the inner as well led to ventilation issues. We have a problem with condensation with our little MontBell too but I rigged up a lateral guy system that helps.
Terra Nova have introduced the Ultra 1 now which is the same design as the Photon but in lighter fabric bringing it down to 560g. There's a good review here: Petesy has also reviewed most of the Laser and Photon range and is a big fan of the Lasercomp, looks like he's used them in all sorts of conditions.
Nice link arcturi, that tent is dope as. Does make you wonder when the review sounds that good, about the integrity of the reviewer, but the laser is a proven design so perhaps this could be a winner. 560g!!! nuts.
I am finding this all very interesting. Would be delighted to find a good tent under 1kg. I use a fly with my walking poles and carry small length of mesh fabric for my face if the bugs come out to play. I seem to have a problem with waking up outside though. Part company with thermorest and the resulting cold wakes me. Pack at feet or side helps but not foolproof. Any suggestions on how to stay sleeping on mat all night.
I think in the comments following the review someone links to a less favourable one, so you can see another opinion. Hate to imagine what it'd cost if/when Terra Nova bring it in to NZ!
Hi Sandra - there's a couple of single-skin options from Mont Bell which Honora talked about earlier that are available from, and quite often have their Laser Competition on trademe for $450. I haven't tried either so can't really comment on them though, and I'm sure there are other options!
i found a good one - Roma - Centurian from a Hunting and Fishing store $250 Has two small poles over your head, ha built in mesh. can see stars if you like from inside , but can fully close as well. this is first pic i can find online. i have used this camping on ridges at 2000m in winter.its ok in rain but two nights of rain in a row and your sleeping bag will be getting wet id say. same with any biv.
I've read a disposable nappy is great for putting at the foot of your bivvy bag to keep things dry inside the bag. I guess it works if your feet are a bit downhill.
The Freedom Mono is a 2-skin tent, high enough to sit in, with a vestibule for a pack & boots. Weighs about 1.26kg. RRP is $200, but R&R Sport (Chch) will discount them to $150. The Warehouse has a 1-man tent. It's a triangular tube. Single skin. Have to reverse-crawl into it. About 1kg. Got mine on sale for $39.
21–30 of 39

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