Advice for Winter Tramping

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Hey everybody! I'm about to have a couple of weeks of holidays and will certainly be heading to the south island for some exploring. Wanted to ask, if anybody knows an interesting, quite challenging track/route? I want to spend in the bush 8-10 days.. am quite experienced and fit but am not able to do any technical climbing at this point. would be grateful for any suggestions! :)) Cheers!
North West circuit on Stewart Island. Just had a mate come back and his descriptions were very inspiring. With being able to get flights and water taxi links, there is a lot of flexibility with how you can do this trip. The Hollyford in winter sounds like a good option too.
Sven Brabyn's Tramping guides are good, as well as Moirs Guide. Lot's of challenging and interesting trips. Rather than the popular easier trips.
I agree with Honora, NW Circuit or the Hollyford... chuck in the Pyke track to make the Hollyford a circuit and increase the difficulty ;-)
thanks everybody!! and hey.. how about doing some long route through arthur's pass NP to nelson lakes? how stable is the weather and conditions in general in arthur's pass this time of the year?
finally, maybe someone wants to join me? I want to get into the bush on the 31/08 and would like to spend 7-9 days there. haven't decided on the route yet and am open to suggestions.. however, would prefer to stay in the middle part of the island. let me know. my email: [Email address removed]
How did you get on with the Dusky, earlier in the year, Kristina? I was just looking at some dudes photos who did it in March, looked cold and wet!
Hey Yarmoss! didn't do the dusky. ended up doing the 5 passes in Mt Aspiring NP instead:) more higher ground that I enjoy most;) loved it. really loved that route. can't wait to do some tramping in the upcoming weeks! :) tend to even forget how good one can feel in the bush, after being stuck in the city for too long:D How's your tramping doing? done something exciting recently? Maybe you're keen to dome some tramping next week?
Hey Kristina, thats a shame you didnt get to the Dusky. Its a fantastic trip. Glad you liked the 5 passes. I havnt done that one yet. I havnt been on anything since Easter where I did Rabbit Pass with a Scottish guy off these forums. Had a great trip. I would love to something next week but alas I dont have the spare time. Im off to Europe next year so only have enough holiday left for Labour Weekend in October and the Christmas/New Years period. Im planning a big trip to the Dusky area then if you would be interested, but as its Christmas you might have other plans :-)
Fair enough:) where are you heading in Europe? and yeah:) will let you know about the dusky area. thanks!! :) cheers! have a good week!
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Forum The campfire
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On 17 August 2010
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