Advice for Winter Tramping

Hey everybody! I'm about to have a couple of weeks of holidays and will certainly be heading to the south island for some exploring. Wanted to ask, if anybody knows an interesting, quite challenging track/route? I want to spend in the bush 8-10 days.. am quite experienced and fit but am not able to do any technical climbing at this point. would be grateful for any suggestions! :)) Cheers!
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The plan is 8 months going around France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany. Are you from any of those places? Hope you have a good week too, whatever you end up doing :-)
hi again! sorry for responding so late. oh! that sounds awesome! :)))I miss europe now:D I'm from neither of these countries (I'm from Lithuania.. there's nothing much to do there). you certainly made a good choice :)) and hey, when are you heading to the dusky area? and do you mean doing some epic offtrack route?? :)))) oH! instead of studying for my tests and stuff I'm starting to plan some future adventures:D cheers! K.
Hi, Studying for tests is overrated :-) I dont know if you are familiar with the area or have access to a map, but the general idea is to go into the bush at the Borland road to Rodgers Inlet on Lake Monowai, then over Mt Cuthbert to Green Lake, then to the Monowai hut, then spend 2 days going down the Grebe river and up the Florance stream and over Tamatea Peak to Lake Roe on the Dusky track. From there plan A is to reclimb Tamatea and head north to Lake Saint Patrick, and then West to Centre Pass to rejoin the Dusky, and out at West Arm on Lake Manapori. If Plan A isnt possible for whatever reason then Plan B would be from Lake Roe to follow the Dusky out to West Arm. Heres an online map: I'm looking at doing this from round about the 23rd December to the 9th Janurary (Once back in Te Anau I also want to spend 4 days to head down the Hollyford and go up Moraine Creek and over Barrier Knob to the Gerturde valley) if you are keen :-)
Hi again Yarmoss! wow! that does sound great! I'm definitely very keen. Just not sure if I'll be able to, yet. Might be that I'll be leaving home for holidays.. But I should know my plans reasonably soon. Just to know, how flexible are you with the dates? give me a short text to my email, ok? since I rarely check my email is: aluzaite_kristina(eta) cheers! K. P.S. the plan does sound great!!!! :))))) P.P.S. caaaaan't wait to put my backpack on and leave the "normal life" behind me.
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