Rokaiwhana Hut?

Hey all I was wondering if anyone could help me with the old location of Rokaiwhana Hut in the Ruahine`s, I know this hut was there between 1984 and 1995 but the map I have isnt very accurate as to were it was. I think I may have found some sort of marker on a river flat just before the farmland but am not 100 percent sure. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Jono
I've never heard of it. Is/was it a private hut?
It said on the 1984 map that it was a nzfs one but am not 100 percent sure when it was removed though which is a shame, I am just interested as to where it was. Im heading in there next saturday morning for a hunt if the weather permits so will have a good look around for any old signs or ruins

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Forum The campfire
Started by Jono51
On 11 August 2010
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