
I enjoy getting out in the bush or on the mountains.I do a lot of day trips with friends around the Canterbury foothills.When doing multi-day trips I tend to go high and hard,I enjoy being above the bushline and getting onto the tops.

Black Hill and Salmon Creek

Black Hill and Salmon Creek

Three days at Black Hill   More ▶︎

Jollie Brook

3 days in Lake Sumner Park   More ▶︎
  • uubeemuubeem added the photograph, Neave Hut 9 March 20129 March 2012.
    Neave Hut
  • uubeemuubeem added the photograph, Mingha Biv 9 March 20129 March 2012.
    The old and not in very good condition Mingha Biv
  • uubeem added the photograph, Tarn at head of Klondyke Valley 5 June 20095 June 2009.
    This tarn is at the head of the Klondyke Valley near Springs Junction in the Lewis Pass.
  • uubeem added the photograph, Devilskin Saddle Biv 19 March 200919 March 2009.
    New biv on Devilskin Saddle.
Member since 6 December 20026 December 2002
Status Member