Blowfly Hut / Blue River Hut

Blue River Hut is an accurate name: deep blue pools in the Moeraki river lie directly below the hut. Great for a swim on a hot summer's day. Plenty of sandflies for company, but didn't spot any blowflys.

This is a comfortable 8 bunk hut only 3km from the main Haast-Fox Glacier road. The hut is on the 'cattle track' a pack/droving route. This track was constructed in 1875 to allow access from the Haast area up to the road end further north. The last cattle drive through the track was in 1961. It is an easily followed track with the advantage of an absence of steep inclines. The old track was tidied up twenty years on & opened as a walking track in 1981.

There's two main reasons to be here: the Paringa Cattle Track from SH6 nearby to Haast, and the exploration of the upper Moeraki Valley including Horseshoe Flat and Middle Head huts. Alpine routes lead on into various catchments.

Blue River (aka Blowfly) hut May 2009 • By glennj. Licence: C.
Key information
Owner: DOC
Standard Hut
Sleeps 8
Toilet, Enclosed wood/coal burner
Water supply
Tap or tank water
Getting there
Getting there
SH6 (Moeraki Bluffs) 2216500,5708600: 3km, 40 mins - 1.5 hrs, track

SH6 (Coppermine Creek) 2297800,5705700: -> Maori Saddle Hut (9km, 2.5-6hrs) -> Coppermine Creek Hut (13.5km, 4-11hrs) -> road (7km, 1-2hrs) - deteriorating benched track, 4WD for 2km sth of Robinson Crk

Moeraki Valley head: -> Horseshoe Flats Hut (7km, 2-3 hrs, valley floor track) -> Middle Head Hut (4.5km, 1.5-3 hrs, sidle track, river crossings)

This hut is unlocked and open to access.
No bookings — open access
No — open access
Mobile phone coverage
No coverage
ID 3979

About this hut

Added 13 May 2009 by madpommadpom. 2 revisions, most recently 11 October 2011 by madpommadpom.
83 views in the past year (7 per month).