Tramping the whole of NZ

I'm 21 years old, and want to travel the whole of NZ by foot. I live in Kerikeri, which is close to the top of the north island. And I want to travel all the way down to the bottom of the south island. But I want to do all this by foot. Of course there will be ferry allowances and such... But I want no car, and no hospitality. I have researched all the directions for me to be able to do this. I want to find somebody that would like to come with me on my journey.
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Yes - I guess the prospect of starting a 14 day tramp with a 25kg pack is sufficiently daunting when you weigh 78kg, but at 45kg ... can only imagine it! I can see where you're coming from. Mind you - 3kg of that was maps! With lighter weight gear you could knock a few kgs off that: - posting maps ahead - a lighter EPIRB (the new ones are only 300g) - a lighter waterproof than my Swazi Thar at well over 1kg - only carrying ice-axe for the bit I needed it for - or using a tramping pole instead Reckon I could get it down to close to 20kg for all but the Otira-Mt Cook leg with some posting ahead. As for food: I can say I savoured every mouthful (fantasized about it even: someone who HATES porridge dreaming about breakfast - imagine it!). How else could you experience the absolute elation of arriving into a hut and finding not only jam, but that possumers had left a bucket of flour behind: dampers. Heaven. madpom
I've got a mate who weighs 42kg. She went on a big multiday trip with some lads and was given a kilogram jar of peanut butter to carry included in the equal share of other party gear she was allocated. At the end of the first day, the big 80kg plus lads decided to take some gear off her after waiting for her to arrive...She says,"and I don't even like peanut butter!".
21–22 of 22

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by Wevorsit
On 29 June 2010
Replies 21
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