Cuben Fibre Tent Fly with Insect Screen

This is the tent fly I made for our recent (pre Christmas) trip with the kids to Stewart Island (North West Circuit). Pictures are camping in behind the scrub at the north end of Little Hellfire Beach: It has about 60cm of dark bridal tulle on all the sides that are close to the ground and the open end is closed in with the tulle with a zip down the middle. I used a groundsheet of polycryo (3M window film) on the ground. With the insect screen, guys and ground sheet in a bag it weighs about 600g. About 2m x 2m usable space under it so room for 4 and gear. It worked well - I like the fact you can have all your gear under the shelter and away from the sandflies, also being able to cook under it in sandfly free space. We had some heavy rain that night, it didn't affect us at all. Nice also to be able to pack up completely under that space, rain gear on and everything including the groundsheet away then finally drop the fly and stuff it in it's bag.
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theres various other services for mail forwarding from the states like or they offer a range of shipping options with different courier companies, they get reasonable rates with the freight companies and you can select the one you want according to budget and urgency, i've used them both. shipito were cheaper, but not sure thats the case now, they became more expensive last time i used them and its been over a year since i've used them now.... i found using the USPS option to be one of the slowest and the packages were more likely to be knocked about, possibly because of the ength of transit time, one package on the budget option too a month to show up and the address was very badly labelled. but i found using fedex or dhl or tnt were all ok to use
21–21 of 21

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