Care to meet?

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Hi team. In two weeks I'm cruising around NZ on a 3-week training run for my new guiding job. I won't have much time at all (so sadly, no tramping is on the cards), but if anyone in the following areas would like to meet for a drink or a chat, let me know. Can't guarantee I can make it work, as my priority is learning my new job and keeping the travelers happy, but if I can, it would be great to meet some of you rad peeps. :) Here's my itinerary: *Arriving 21st Nov in Wellington. Don't start the tour until the 23rd. *First couple of days in Wellington *26th fly to Nelson *29th fly to Queenstown (via Christchurch or.... Auckland - NUTS)! Transfer to Te Anau *30th Milford cruise then transfer to Queenstown *1st & 2nd Queenstown *3rd fly to Rotorua, transfer to Taupo *4th Taupo area *5th Transfer to Auckland *6th-8th in Auckland, but tour finishes the 7th. Actually, if you feel so inclined, check out the full itinerary here. Any thoughts, suggestions, ideas, background info on anything mentioned that would help me enrich the experiences of my travelers would of course be mostly appreciated. But most importantly, if we can meet up at any stage, that would be fantastic! :)
Hey Kreig. I work in the Wellington cbd, not sure what client I'll be at then as I'm just finishing an engagement, but would be keen to meet up for lunch if I'm able too on the 21st or 22nd. Will you be around the cbd?
Sounds good Scottie. Will see if we can make it happen.
Lets touch base later this week. Hopefully Wellington might be back to (the new) normal by then. I've been working from home last few days. Might be back in town from Thursday.....
@krieg - Looking at your itinery - not this time. Be great to meet up if you're ever down Cromwell or Alexandra way.
1 deleted post from 1stworldview
Dude, what the flyin' fig tree are you on about?!
Wtf Anyway Kreig, I'll pm you re lunch.
Well dunk me in tar and cover me in pink feathers!!! After 3 months of searching, calling all accommodation places around the country I could think of, and fruitless failings when looking for my passport..... I FOUND IT!!!! Jammed behind a shelf. Don't know how it got there, but so glad I found it! I had already reported it lost to the police, had filled out an application and had it witnessed etc, and had an appointment for a new passport booked for tomorrow afternoon at the Australian Consulate in Wellington. Just saved myself $500. :) $400 for the passport, $100+ to get a new permanent residency visa attached. Doin' the happy dance!! Ok, so I did miss out on going to the NRL Grand Final and my father's wedding in Sydney last month, and lost all the money I'd paid in flights, tickets etc, but hey, I got to spend two weeks doing the Kepler, Milford and half the Routeburn Tracks. Wasn't a bad result in the end. ;)
Hahaha. Put down the jimmys krieg lol.
At least you know what happened to it.......
1–10 of 13

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Forum The campfire
Started by Kreig
On 6 November 2016
Replies 12
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