Bibles in Huts

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Iv always speculated about this - is there a group of JW's that wander around putting bibles in every hut? surley DOC wouldnt be putting these in
Can't say I have ever seen one in any hut I have been to.
Maby its just a Tararua thing then - theyr usually sitting with the wilderness mags and fmc books
There are individuals or possibly organisations that do this. I've run into someone who does it. I've also run into people that carry them out.
Yeah ... they're always those red 'simplified english' new testament things .... 'god' in words of no more than one syllable. Shame as they not only trash the fascinating language but also miss out all the jucy bits in the first half ... sacrificing firstborn sons & the like. As a result I generally file em somewhere below Womans Day & Next in the reading priority pile. Used to carry one to use for tinder - you get thousands of fires started from one convenient lightweight package. But people seemed to find this culturally insensitive - they really seemed genuinely offended - so I stopped. Shame, as they were perfect for the job.
Yeah, they make great fire starters in a emergency, or if the fire is just being stubborn. Isn't that why they are in the huts?
Wouldnt they give off a sulfurous smell from the brimstone they contain? Gidions put bibles in all hotels maybe they are expanding Of course the other part of this is remembering those things never mentioned in polite conversation politics religion and race (and a dozen other things)
yes. My point, jokingly put, was that whilst it might feel at times that we live in a post-religious, post-superstiscious world, there are people out there for whom these things are important and sacrosanct. To my surprise: including people close to me who I thought I knew well. They have kept their religion personal and private, never thrust it into my face, and in respect for that I did feel quite guilty flaunting my atheism by lighting the fire with their sacred text.
Great answer madpom. A bit of quiet mutual respect goes a very long way. Which made me think ... just as well no-one has put Quran's in the huts yet.
If we put quarns in huts NZ would probably be accused of hiding ISIS militants in the bush
1–10 of 11

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