Breaking in boots

To break my new boots in I am planning on going for 6km walks along the river which is a gravel/dirt track - would gravel ruin the soles or should I just stick to mud and soft sand?
11–15 of 15

I find scarpa to be make very good boots. They are the best boots around for me. Durable, well crafted, as tough as they come. There are other good companies though. My theory is if it ain't broke don't fix it. So I stick with them.
I like the look of these: No Goretex!
I think that is what Gaiters owns. I have never owned a pair of leather lined boots only gore-tex. What are the benefits of leather over gore-tex?
Both the Goretex lined Meindl's I've owned have been excellent boots in every respect except the question of moisture management. I think Goretex liners do little to keep boots dry. After all there is a sodding great hole in the top where your foot goes in, and in NZ conditions the water WILL go over at some stage. Then all that happens is the Goretex seems to keep the water IN, and take a week of wet Sundays to dry. I may be proven wrong in the long run, but my next pair of boots will be straight leather if I can help it. I'm curious to see if it makes a difference.
I loved the old leather boots I got issued. You soaked those bad boys in hot water, then shoved them on sopping wet and walked in them until they dried. It truly sucked going through that process, because it hurt A LOT when they started drying, and for the next few times you wore them, but then..... They were molded to your feet PERFECTLY. Super comfy to wear. But the SOLES were built for durability, not comfort, and were as rigid as iron. But I doubt I'd wear leather boots in NZ anyway.
11–15 of 15

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