Forest & Bird wins Ruataniwha dam appeal

Forest & Bird has won an appeal against downgrading conservation land in Hawke's Bay to enable the Ruataniwha dam to be built. In February, the High Court approved a land swap between the Department of Conservation (DOC) and the Hawke's Bay Regional Council. The proposed exchange, of 22ha of protected conservation land in Ruahine Forest Park for 170ha of farm land, involved downgrading the conservation land to stewardship status, in order to allow it to be flooded for the dam. Forest & Bird said the High Court was wrong to allow the land's specially protected status be revoked for a commercial development. It said the protected land was home to several threatened species, such as the New Zealand falcon and long-tailed bats. A majority of the Court of Appeal today ruled that the Director-General of Conservation was not entitled to revoke the special conservation status of a small portion of the park land. Justices Harrison and Winkelmann found that the Director-General would have had to be convinced in his assessment that the intrinsic values of the land in question were no longer worth permanent protection as envisaged by the relevant legislation. The Court of Appeal has directed the Director-General to set aside the decision and reconsider the application of the Hawke's Bay Regional Investment Company to exchange the land. In a dissenting judgement, Justice Ellen France said she would have dismissed the appeal on the basis that the Director-General was not limited to consideration of the conservation values of the 22ha of land.
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soy TVP, everything about it is bad apart from teh fact its supposed to be good for you, you have to disguise it as much as possible with flavouring and sauce or you cant eat it...
Tell a tramping friend of mine its meant to be good for you. She gets anaphlaxis from anything soy.
There is a link between soy and dementia. Soy is an anti-nutrient and for us thyroid patients a no-no as it is a goitrogen by interfering with the absorbtion of iodine. Google tofu and dementia if you will. Fermented soy is OK e.g. miso, natto (yech...), and tempeh. I threw out some soy nuggets the other day. I think TVP has nasties such as glutemates in it as well. It's been around probably for 40 years or so. However the Back Country Cuisine etc. is riddled with TVP which I've just ordered. Oh what the hell - it's light!
ironically people on health bends in the west can end up eating a lot more soy than asians do.... they don't live on the stuff and as honora said the fermented soy is less of a problem although it tends to be loaded with salt... people eating large volumes of soy are experimenting on themselves, as Honora also said there are strong links in scientific studies with high consumption of Soy products and mental decline... TVP seems so far removed from a natural food, i doubt it really has that much use as a food.
31–34 of 34

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