What's your favourite tracks in your area?

Hi guys! I'm hoping to plan around 3-4 weeks in Jan/Feb to travel Akl-Dun and want to hit up a bunch of tracks. Going to keep it relatively casual so Great Walks don't really appeal because a. booking system b. overcrowded as all hell c. would rather have a slightly more interesting walk Looking mainly for 2-3 day tracks, preferably scenic bc I always take my camera out haha. Don't really want to go off-track/bushwhacking because I don't trust my navigational skills but anything up to there is likely fair game, and would prefer a hut as trying to get away with not buying a lightweight tent + just borrowing a mates larger tent for camping on the side of the road. Will obviously be doing my own research just thought if anyone had any good recs in their area I would love to hear them :) [to give context: just finished uni, start work in feb, my parents have let me borrow my old fuel efficient car since my brother bought a new one and I want to take advantage!]
11–13 of 13

Thousand Acre Plateau is certainly worth visiting, might even have the entire place to yourself. Also the Richmond Alpine Route is pretty stunning, but logistically it can be a bit tricky... Might take longer then three days based on what tracks you take.
The alpine route has big ups and downs and you wouldn't have to worry about getting a bunk most of the time. Everytime I've been there we've never seen anyone else pretty much.
When I did it, I saw six others, all doing the TA. But had the huts to myself. I did a shorter loop, finishing and starting at the Goulter carpark.
11–13 of 13

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Teri-
On 21 August 2016
Replies 12
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