lost tramper in Paparoas

101–110 of 110

@EvoSmith: I'm not trying to pin the incident just on a danger perception, just saying that about perception, I also think going on a track where there might be snow and unpredictable conditions in the low season without a shelter and a PLB / or leaving intention is the main issue here. @Gaiters: I don't feel like in Europe we have much more of a "push the limit" culture, at least not more than kiwis. And we also have dozens of people dying every year in our mountains because they are either unprepared, or unlucky, or don't feel any danger. It's just that most people don't talk about it or really give a think about it, at least that's what I feel.
Katahdin doesnt get closed on a set date, it gets closed when the winter weather starts and the snow comes.
I met Jordan at Lake Angelus hut and gave him some pointers on how to use ice axe and crampons. He had had some bad instruction from a few others who had swung by a couple of days earlier. He is well equipped but hadn't been making good decisions at that stage. He had opted to stay for a week or so at Angelus to do photography, he wasn't "stuck" there as DOC had been telling people. (I wrote a column for this month's Wilderness magazine about the weekend I was up there and met him and others who were not sufficiently equipped or experienced to be up there in alpine conditions.) After advice from DOC (which I confirmed and emphasised) not to go over Waiau Pass unless he had a buddy, avy gear and avy training, he altered his route and was going to stick to lower level sections of Te Araroa. He is indeed carrying a heavy load of gear but he is fit enough to manage it, relatively experienced in the backcountry and seemed to be willing to take advice on board. Hopefully he stays safe but it's concerning that his trip could be encouraging others to do something that's above their abilities.
We ran into Jordan Reed when he was resting up in Double Hut a couple of days after he had waded in 'waist-deep snow" wearing snowshoes over Clent Saddle after camping on the way up to the saddle the evening before. He was talking about the loaded slope and avalanche risk on the south side of Clent Saddle. He seems to be gaining awareness of hazards and making good judgments. He only weighs between 60 and 65kg himself and is carrying a 40kg pack using a Lost Planet backpack. He has good gear including a Hilleberg tent which to my mind is the top of the range. Maybe he was inspired to do the winter traverse by the photos of Mark Watson who completed the TAT in July a couple of winters ago and published a beautiful coffee table book. Must go check out his blog.
i sent jordan the nz avalanche.net.nz website link a while back, he didnt indicate he'd seen it before, he was happy to get the link..
@waynowski I definitely told him about the Avalanche forecasting as had DOC. Know for sure as I talked about it pretty extensively to the person at DOC in St Arnaud. Still, these things are easy to forget when everything is new to you.
i sent him the link for avo forecasts for the area where he was at the time, he sounded like he hadnt looked at it recently at least.... he sounded pleasantly surprised to read the forecast
I have to say I admire Jordan for having a goal and a passion and going for it.
He posted saying he stealth camped in chch. Despite spending a fortune on new gear while there... i do hope he's paying hut fees and not skimping there too
He probably is. I've stealth-camped all over Europe to save costs but wouldn't dream of not buying a hut pass! He really is a very personable individual. He makes an effort to introduce himself and engage with people. As soon as he saw us, he came out in the dusk, introduced himself and helped us collect firewood. The other people in the hut didn't. He could afford to buy that gear and travel due to an inheritance from his grandmother.
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