
pays to hydrate adequately when you wake up in the morning, get your urine pale coloured before you start your trip , have a bit of a drink when you start but don't go mad, don't go mad on salt, it can become a diuretic, your body will flus the excess out with extra urine.. table salt can be a problem, most people have too much sodium from a western diet, adding a lot of extra on a tramp may not always give the benefit they think something like celtic or Himalayan salt can be better, its got more minerals, or a balanced electrolyte supplement with multi minerals in it. avoid excessive b vitamin supplements, they are diuretics. big temp fluctuations increase water requirem,ents, cold weather constricts your outer blood vessels and your body excretes the water as blood volume decrease then increasing temps your outer blood vessels expand and your body tries to make more blood plasma to support the expanding blood vessels. sipping regularly means you're less likely to over drink and pass surplus water than if you guzzle a lot of water occasionally.
31–33 of 33

the alternative is to eat decent food and not two minute noodles.
This is true. What would be @Waynowski 's meal of choice? My hiking/tramping diet consists of; Pre hike - higher protein based foods (Mackerel/sushi, poached Eggs, Meats, Nuts, Peas/Beans) Post hike - Extra carb replenishment foods (rice/quinoa/bulgar wheat/couscous/tatties/pasta(fettucine is my weakness) Apologies for drifting OT. Branch?
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