Camera advice

Hey everyone, Until now I have been taking all my photos on my Samsung S5. But now I want to upgrade to a camera that provides good optical zoom, and can take clear photos in low light. I have been looking at this camera, but does anyone have any advice suggestions? Newbie to camera purchasing obviously. Cheers!
11–20 of 30

I have an Olympus OMD-EM1 4/3rd camera that has a good range of standard lenses that are extremely light, but once you move to the lenses that will handle low light levels the weight increases significantly. I doubt I would be looking to haul my 40-150 f2.8 to far on a tramp unless it was for some very important type of shoot. I also carry one of the latest Olympus Tough point and shoot. Great for on the move does a reasonable video. Light go any where even under water and with stand a fair bit of knocking around. Also has a rather unique macro function with ability to get real close and special multiple image shot in macro to provide added depth of field. The EM-10 is a pretty good camera, but not weather sealed like the OMD-EM1 or alternate EM-5.
@FrankB "I doubt I would be looking to haul my 40-150 f2.8 to far on a tramp unless it was for some very important type of shoot." Cripes - I thought my 12-40 f2.8 PRO was way over the top! What I'm hanging out for is an ILC that's a cross between a rugged TG body and the PEN series that mounts m43. And weighs around the 200gm mark.
nah the 12-40 is well worth the weight, superior to ost lenses for low light, its worth carting around for the quality of shots. i've noticed a big difference in quality in low light, images stay bright and sharp the camera doesnt have to increase ISO as much to get the shot...
I now use my Samyang 7.5mm F3.5 for doing low light shots and general landscapes. Matched with my Olympus OM-D EM-5 it gets pretty good photos. I pair it with my Panasonic 14 F2.5 prime, it is so small and light it is rude not to take it. Also normally have my Olympus 60mm Macro F2.8 and the Kit Lens which I think is 12-50.. Sometimes would throw in a my long telephoto for wildlife. The 12-50 kit lens see most use when the weather is poor because it has weather sealing. One day I might replace it with the 12-40. Panasonic also has some rather nice m 4/3 cameras and their models and lenses should not be discounted. For a lightweight camera system, I feel M4/3 is class leading. But it is still much smaller then a compact camera with a fixed Lens.
@militaris You are dead right - us Olympus bugs do tend to overdo our brand loyalty. When your first decent camera was an OM-1 you have to understand it's not something I can do much about :-) But yes if Olympus went out of business tomorrow, then Panasonic would be my next choice for certain.
Now I just feel undergunned in the camera department with my little point and shoot. That said, I dont envy the weight of the bigger equipment, and Id hate to get it wet accidentally! Id be too scared to take big expensive gear out tramping!
@waynowski couldn't agree more about the 12-40 and low light and sharpness is superb. If I get pacemaker fitted as planned this week then first trip following will be Whirinaki late October to chase up blue ducks and 12-40 will definitely be with me then. I tend to have the 12-40, 25, 60 and 70-300 as standard for most trips occasionally the 75 or 45. But then I also have the tough for quick shots, plus I sometimes take the Zeiss Ikon 532/16 80mm 2.8 camera or the Agfa Record III with Solinar lens. Both film cameras Zeiss from 1937 Agfa 1952 vintage and both no light weight. As I said I am always overweight on camera gear. @ PhilipW I think if they did I would be considering Fuji or Panasonic as next choice.
@Size12 That's why my little TG-1 still takes lots of shots! The OM-D M1's and M5's are 'environmentally sealed' and can certainly take a shower or two, but you are right - the ideal tramping camera would be even lighter and more robust. The perfect tramping camera has yet to be invented, the conflicting demands of image quality, weight and robustness are very damned hard to solve. Then there is this: I'm very tempted. Look at the weight and price. Just not so sure how easy it will be in use. @FrankB How do you like the 75mm prime? It's been on my 'lust list' for a while now.
That was supposed to be 40-150 in my comment to waynowski, a mans getting stupid with age.
@PhilipW, if they make a version of the lumix ft5 that takes cleaner images, Id be sold and that would be my perfect tramping camera. It takes ok images, but they are behind similar size non tough compacts in quality =(. Beats my old canon with the dodgy battery door though *Shudders at the memory of chromatic aberration in any strong light*
11–20 of 30

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