Routeburn Track in May for Beginner

Hi everyone. I'm pretty much a beginner. 28 yo. I started with The Pinnacles in March (ended up going from the hut to the top 3 times over the 12 hours we were there) and then did the Tongariro Crossing in April (which included Mt Ngaruahoe which was totally closed in and sub-freezing at the top). Had planned a 16-17 May trip of the Routeburn with a friend who ended up pulling out 3 weeks ago but I've decided to push on. Basically I'm just looking for all and any information and advice I can. Open to learning and taking advice. I feel confident in my ability and consider myself reasonably steady headed in decision making, however I realise I am still a beginner and don't know as much as I may think I do. I've only just started tramping but was bought up doing outdoor things. I've spent the last month hours each night reading conditions, winter advice for the track, general outdoor skills etc. No this doesn't make up for one day on the trail, but I was bought up to over-prepare for everything so I'm doing what I can. This was a good discussion (, and I had already read the winter routeburn page 4 or 5 times. I know it's off season but the bridges are still there until the end of May. I'll be hiring a PLB. I have spoken to both DoC Queenstown and the Great Walks in Te Anau and gotten advice. I bought a Silva compass and Topo maps and practiced nagivation during the Tongaroro trip. Getting advice from people who have actually done this in winter would be great. Are the rivers likely to be unsafe to pass? I wouldn't do this after May as the snow/avalanche risk build but feel ok for now. With the recent death and weather forecast for the weekend there are some friend/family wondering if I'm safe going. I understand there is risk in going and the decision to go is my responsibility. Any severe turn in the weather between now and next weekend and I'm happy to call it off but at this stage I feel ok with the risk level. Thoughts? I have safety-oriented equipment such as gaitors, full first aid back, PLB, emergency blanket, extra food, MSR PocketRocket, knife, beanie, gloves, pack dry-bag, smaller dry-bag, headlamp, micro torch, compass, Topo Maps, full Polypro base layers, mid thermal and hardshell Marmot jacket.
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Yea not ideal. And Friday snow fall has come down a further 200m to 900m from earlier this morning. Have been watching (while working) a few vids on self belay and self arrest just in case. Will just have to keep an eye on it and make a call.
if you slip on parts of the routeburn, you will go into freefall. self arrest won't stop you. theres some steep, big drops around that track, you need to know how to prevent yourself slipping and falling in the first place... if you're not experienced in snow and ice the routeburn is not the place to learn.... go and learn with experienced people and don't become another news story.
Really Wayno? I only walked between harris saddle and the GY shelter, and the terrain on that side is very mellow, I know there are steeper slopes above deadmans track on the hollyford side but nowhere that you would free fall? I have been watching the comments from a few people who plan on heading in soon, my opinion on walking this track next week however is a bad idea. The weather this week is poos, meaning your gonna encounter some deep drifts in places and possibly early season unstable snowpack, although that is unlikely at this early stage in that area. Crampons are only any good for firm hard packed snow and ice, you don't use them on soft powdery snow and they can be lethal when used by beginners at the best of times but when your tripping over tussock and rocks hidden just below the surface they are the last things you want on your feet. An ice axe should be sufficient, self arresting is a bit of a joke really. If you slip and your sliding, your not usually stopping. Just don't slip is the trick.. I think your biggest issue is gonna be knee to thigh deep torment.. and maybe a bit of hyperthermia :)
Hey everyone. Had an amazing time. Thanks for all the advise. Thankfully the weather cleared for make the saddle a perfect day.
Nice photos, looks chilly! Thanks for the update, I'm glad you got right across :)
Nice photos. Perfect weather. Well done. :-)
Nice effort, I was wondering today how you guys had got on. This latest storm cycle has dumped a lot in this area, you guys timed it well, scoring good conditions. Nice photos too
11–17 of 17

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