trail running shoe advice?

Hi all, I realise this is a bit tangential to a tramping forum, but suspect that at least some of you may have advice. Can anyone recommend very cushioned trail running shoes for NZ type conditions, i.e. steep, heavily eroded, dirt/rock paths varying between bare rock, dust, and deep mud? We go trail running about once a week and our road running shoes are too slippery. We both have arthritic toes and ankles, and thus want cushioned shoes because minimalist shoes just don't absorb enough shock for our purposes. We've tried minimalism and it just hurts the arthritic joints too much, even though the change in technique is helpful. Basically it seems to be a choice between shoes with decent lugs but no real cushioning, e.g. the Inov8 or Salomon Speedcross type things, and shoes with decent cushioning but fairly useless tread, e.g. Asics Kahana (currently on special in our local running shoe shop). Any advice welcome!
11–14 of 14

hoka make the most cushioned shoes on the market... but according to the science its a gimmick, your body self regulates how much shock it will absorb, the harder the shoes the more you auto regulate how hard you land on the ground. theres a finite amount that soft shoes will dissipate your aches and pains... having said that I stay away from harder shoes, I do notice more problems at least on the roads. and salomons I find are on the hard side for cushioning. they market more for the serious runner than casual runners with structural problems... different brands fit different feet better... in the end you'll be limited to whatever brands fit your feet, shop around and find out which brands those are... quite a few brands don't suit NZers who traditionally have wider feet from running around barefoot as kids..
I'm looking pretty hard at Hoka. I'm a minimalist runner, but am impressed by what I'm hearing about Hokas. I don't know how gimmicky they are; plenty of ultra runners are swearing by them. Worth a look at least. Think I'll buy a pair this week.
mal law used them for his fifty mountain marathons in fifty days. not sure if he was sponsored by them so not sure the exact reason he used them..
Can anyone recommend a brand of trail shoe for wide feet?
11–14 of 14

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