What type of knife do you carry?

Hi all, Currently I carry a victorinox knife similar to the hiker, but instead of a phillips head it has a bottle opener (it's about 20 years old). I also carry a smaller single folding blade gerber. I also have a victorinox Swiss tool, but don't take this as I find it has too much, and is to heavy. What do you carry and why? I have been thinking about getting something like a Ka-Bar so I have a decent heavy knife for a survival situation, but am unsure if it and similar knives would be way too excessive. Any thoughts? Anyone that may have been in a situation where it would be handy? Ka Bar link: http://www.top-gear.co.nz/shop/SHOP+BY+BRAND/KA-BAR+KNIVES/Ka-Bar+Combat++Utility+Knife+Black+-+Fine+or+Serrated+Edge.html
11–18 of 18

@Bradley1, I just imagined your first para being read in a Crocodile Dundee voice...
Now it just so happens that I have a kukri which is looking for a new home! Someone left it behind in a house we owned once. I will never use it. If you'd like it let me know!
Light & small folding knife does all we need;leave the gung-ho stuff to Bear Grylls types!
+1 on the light and small folding knife.
Mercator. (steel folding knife) An 80mm blade. Perhaps a little heavier than many would want but it's comforting to know you have a decent knife with you. I often also have a slasher and silky saw with me instead of or as well as a knife when doing a bit of track clearing whilst tramping.
+1 for the Merc. I've carried mine for nearly 40 years and it can still nearly slice my finger off.
Wenger Ranger 58, which is a type of Swiss Army Knife. It's big but I'm more likely to cut myself getting little SAKs open. Decent blade, decent saw, plus the usual screwdrivers, can opener etc. I leave my heavy plier-based Leatherman at home.
Thanks all for your comments
11–18 of 18

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