Going Solo/Soulo?

Check out "Inukshuk"(Tramper) and going "Soulo".Anyone contemplating going Solo (Soulo)or have any comments about going on your own e mail me at plf.inukshuk.soulo@gmail.com
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I often walk Solo and in some very out of the way places. Ive heard all the arguments and fears expressed by people who find spending time on thier own at home stressful. Interestingly rarely voiced by old bush hands who have been there and understand. Accidents do happen from time to time despite all the best intentions and precautions and when they do well the thought that flashes through my mind is simply "this is going to hurt" and "Its going to take me a little longer to get out", Time for a cuppa and a think. Amazing how many solutions come out of a quiet cuppa.
I often tramp solo as my tramping mates work different days from me, i like the solitude, you have to be more aware of your environment but i enjoy it, have only done 2-3 day trips not sure if iwould want to go any longer alone?
For many years I struggled to organise the required tramping party of four, and usually never got more than an over nighter. I then found a regular tramping mate, who moved on and got fat. Then I did not tramp for a long time. Now I go mainly solo, and it rocks, you don't get let down at the last minute, and if you decide you don't want to go, no one else gets let down. I am saving up for a beacon, and a new car, so I can travel further from Auckland. Still like tramping with others, but will never let the lack of fellow trampers stop me again.
11–13 of 13

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