
I hear the 260 Topomap series are to be replaced... anyone know more (eg why? with what? will the grid ref system change or just the map layout?)
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Thanks for the info. Yep, I've got a reasonable collection of maps which I see no reason to stop using. I guess I'll give it no further thought until the day I buy an NZTM map and then just look on it as an excuse to shop for a new GPS. So many gadgets, so little money... :-)
Ha ha! I remember I had the same worry when I had my old Garmin12. What would I do when NZTM came in. Well I have had 3 GPS units since then and still waiting for NZTM. However I do find I use grid references now as the Topo maps of all of NZ are displayed on the screen of the 60CSX. It is OK for picking where you are in relation to the local geography but you still need to spread out a good sized map for trip planning and getting the big picture. You say you always have your GPS with you. Do you keep it on and log the track? I do and post my tracks on or in the GPX files stored on this site.
Actually, that was why I opted for a non-mapping GPS. There's only so much you can display on that little screen and I'd always carry a map and compass first and foremost! Yeah, I always carry it in my day pack even if I don't use it and even if I'm only on a half day walk. It's just standard equipment like the map and compass, 1st aid kit, survival bag, etc, etc. A lot of the time I don't turn it on though. I will if the terrain is quite open and I can get a good track log which I can download later. However, I find that in a gully or heavy bush it just doesn't get reliable coverage a lot of the time. I think the 60 series Garmin like yours probably has better reception with that external aerial? I'll probably opt for something more capable like that for my next GPS. It's still nice to know that if I need to it's easy enough to get good coverage from a ridge or open spot and fix my position. How do you find the 60CSX under the canopy..?
How you use the GPS is how I used it with the Garmin 12. However when I had a 60CS I started using that with an amplified external antenna and got much better results in the bush. It has a much larger track log so I started leaving it on with the antenna in the top pocket of my pack and a wire running over my shoulder to the GPS which sits in a water bottle holder on my pack strap. I found that I can get 2 days out of a single pair of rechargable AAs. Then I got the 60CSX and the reception is better even without the antenna. The difference is quite remarkable. Now the newer Etrex models have the more sensitive antenna as well. The only downside is that it is also more sensitive to reflected signals as well. So in the bush if you are stopped or moving slowly the track can jump around a bit. The 60CSX also saves the track to the SD card so I don't have to worry about the size of the track log. I have something like 700mb of free memory on a 1GB card so it is probably capable of recording every place the GPS ever goes in its lifetime. (The full topo maps of NZ only take 300mb) I have also converted all my waypoints that I have ever created in my 10 years of using GPS into custom POIs so that allows me to keep 1000s of them in the GPS. So I can always refer back to my old camp sites, lunch stops etc. But the track log is good too. It is a perminant record of times, altitudes etc. I also have some software that allows me to sych my digital photos with the track. So as long as the clocks in my camera and my GPS are the same, it creates waypoints of all the places where I took my photos.
Now that's a pretty high-tech approach. An external antenna hadn't even occurred to me, but now I'll make sure my next GPS has a socket because I've found the same thing - carrying the GPS where I can reach it i.e. belt, is lousy for reception. What software are you using to geotag your photos?
Not high tech really. They only cost about $50 and you need a port to plug it into. But I wouldn't bother now. With the better more sensitive antenna there is no need for an external antenna. One problem with it was the cable getting snagged in the bush. I managed to rip the plug out of the unit once, damaging both the plug and the socket. Cost me a bit to get it fixed. I find with the new 60CSX that it retains lock when it is in my pocket or anywhere. It will even work through an iron roof. The software I use is Gartrip from It isn't free but in the early days it was about the only program that recognised New Zealand Map Grid. I have had a registered copy all that time and development has continued. The feature allowing you to synch the photos has only been added in the last year or so. Nowadays I use Garmin Mapsource mostly but still use Gartrip to do things like project tracks onto aerial photographs etc.
I have just had an email from LINZ that they have revamped the information on their web site regarding the new Topo50 map series. I see it includes sample sheets and map extents. The timeline says all maps ready to launch Sept 2009. See
TerraMap Recreation Areas 1:50,000 topographical map series are also used by many trampers. They are excellent for planning due to tracks printed on both sides. I have few of them.
Oh no! Now I have to write the conversions between NZTM2000 and NZGD2000. Looks interesting. Oh well I've got until September 2009. ;-)
For a detailed article (Sept 2007) about NZ maps, GPS and Google Earth/Maps, go to and choose "Kea's eye view..." (An abridged version of the article appeared in the Federated Mountain Clubs Bulletin in late 2007) I've put an interesting collection of back-country tramping / transalpine routes and points into KML files on that site too, for you to view as-is through embedded Google Maps, or download and view with Google Earth. Enjoy! GeoMatt
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