Looking 4 trekking partner 26DEC09 - 9JAN10 STH IS

I'm 32 years old male looking for a partner to do some trekking in Wanaka and/or Wakatipu area. It's my first trip to NZ, but I'm not new to hiking. I'm interested in some more demanding hikes preferably in alpine zone - the ones I found interesting were Cascade Saddle and Motatapu (at least that's what I managed to find on DOC's website) - I have no plans as yet though, and I'm easy going. I actually wouldn't mind climbing something, but I don't want to waste 3 grand on a guide for 3-days climb on Mt. Aspiring. So if you have some experience, gear and know the area, you've got to drop me a line! I'm arriving in Queenstown on the 26DEC'09 avro and gotta leave on 9JAN'10 noon from same place. I have my own tent, and would prefer camping over staying in the huts full of snoring blokes. Can bring 50m rope and personal gear for more serious stuff. I don't know what to expect, so any suggestions, advices and trail ideas would be much appreciated. Cheers!
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How about Gillespie and Rabbit Pass?! I think that's what I want to do: take a jetboat on Young River, then through Gillespie Pass and down to Siberia Valley, Kerin Forks, Top Forks, along Wilking River, through Rabbit Pass, Ruth Flat, and then along Matukituki River all the way to Wanaka (hopefully in a jet boat as well). I don't have an exact itinerary yet, but the whole thing looks very exciting.
Thats a good trip too. I attempted it back at Easter but had rain the whole time and couldnt get across the Wilkins until the next day. I descided to turn back at Top Forks as it was raining the day I would have crossed Rabbit Pass. You need good weather to get up the Waterfall face which is extremely dangerous. Deffinetly spend 2 nights at Top Forks hut and go up the North branch of the Wilkins to the 3 lakes. Lake Diana isnt much to look at, but Lucidious and Castalia are simply amazing.
Hi Realspido, We have done the Young-Wilkins Gillespie Pass 3 years ago. Rabbit Pass and Waterfall Face is a extremely dangerous and challenge route. Too many fatal accidents happened there so far. That route is highly weather dependent and so many groups turn back at Waterfall Face. We knew that there are at least 3 groups of Tramping Clubs are attempting this route post-Xmas that coincidence with your time. Anyway if you intended to do this one, then you won't have time to do 5 passes that is one of 12 Claasic NZ Tramps. Cascade Saddle is another one while not for Young-Wilkins Gillespie nor Rabbit Pass and Waterfall Face. You got to make your mind early for recuiting right partner. Lucky77
Hi Lucky77 As I've never been to NZ, could you please give me more details about those 5 passes? Maybe some pictures? I have 1:50k topo maps so if you name them it will give me a better understanding which ones are they? Also, could you please explain to me how the Rabbit Pass looks like - is it actually climbing in a waterfall?! Thanks in advance Tom
realspido -- this might help a bit. http://david-noble.net/NZ/Jan09/Wilkins/WilkinMenu.html
Real nice photos there, trtlrock. I'll be redoing that trip at the end of Janurary so I hope I have nice weather for the Rabbit Pass crossing like you apparently did.
Dude. There is no way on God's Green Earth I have the technical skills & chutzpah to tackle the Waterfall climb & Rabbit Pass. Way too scary for me I'm afraid. I am also nowhere near the photographer David Noble is. Sorry, I should have made it more clear that I was referring you to someone else's website, but I suspect you found their pictorial journey useful, eh? It was those photos that clinched my wife & I plugging in the Young-Wilkin (minus Waterfall & Rabbit Pass) into our upcoming trek in NZ...
5 passes description as per http://tramper.co.nz/?3787 http://tramper.co.nz/?2525 http://www.aspiringguides.com/five_passes_jan_2005.html http://www.ctc.org.nz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1035&Itemid=42 http://www.condron.org/Photos/NZD_5PA/NZD_5PA.htm route map as per http://maps.google.co.nz/maps?hl=zh-TW&rlz=1R2AMSB_zh-TWNZ334&q=five%20pass%20route&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl http://www.craigpotton.co.nz/Products/published/Maps/Maps/mtaspiringparkmap photos as per http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~richard/Misc/FivePassesAlbum/toc.htm http://www.flickr.com/photos/21625419@N06/sets/72157608963938931/
Guided walks: http://www.wildwalks.co.nz/gillespierabbit.htm http://www.wildwalks.co.nz/rabbitpass.htm photos: http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/548985716svaAGu DOC's warning: Take care, the waterfall face is extremely dangerous when wet, windy or under snow. Rabbit Pass (1430 metres), climb towards Mt Lois until a narrow rock slide leading down through the bluffs. The first part of this slide is steep, and dangerous, especially if wet. Beware of falling rock until well clear of the slide and follow the snow grass slopes to the valley floor. http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/tracks-and-walks/otago/wanaka-area/wilkin-valley-east-matukituki-traverse/
Lucky: Sorry for delays in replying but I'm lately busy with my work. I'm going to do some "local" hiking in South-West Australia this weakend, but I'll definitely look at the links you sent and will make up my mind. I did a lot of heavy trekking back home: http://www.flickr....20perc&w=all#page=2 http://www.slide.c...P6yxHRp?map=2&cy=bb (photos not mine) which is also very exposed and dangerous, but I'm more confident in the rocks and snow than steep slopes and grass, not mentioning the water streams flowing on it! I'll get back to you soon as I can. Thanks for sharing all the links and info. BTW friend of mine told me about NZ lady who was hiking by herself around that area and she attempted to go over the pass despite been advised not to and after 1.5 weeks they only managed to find her pack. I guess there's lots of stories like this - I know few myself, but as long as you don't do anything stupid and know when to turn back the you shouldn't become a subject of one of those stories.. apart from freak accidents which can occur anywhere..
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by realspido
On 31 July 2009
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