So where are you tramping over the weekend? Kaput?

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I think that thread might have finally got too long. I can't see the last couple of messages
I can still see the last two messages... But I agree we should start a new weekend thread anyway.
Do you have Mozilla pmcke? I think that is where the problem seems to be, I can not see the last comments in Firefox, but can in Internet Explorer 7.
If you cut and paste the content of the old thread into word, its 70 pages and almost 12000 words.
I will add pagination to the threads (i.e. you view one page of a few posts at a time rather than all of the posts at once). How do you feel about seeing newer posts at the top rather than at the bottom? If they were at the bottom then they would be on the last page. I note some forums sort posts with the newest post at the bottom, and deposit you at page 1 of a multi-page thread, so you are looking at the very oldest posts. This strikes me as bad.
I use one forum which has new messages at the top of a thread instead of the bottom and I hate it. What I like... is when I click on the title of a thread I get taken to the oringal post at the top of the 1st page, the 2nd oldest post is beneath that and so on.... All but one forum I have seen do it in the above way and it works well for me... Having the newest post first just seems strange, its like opening a book only to find the last chapter at the start....
The pages look nice, but my newest message is not showing up in the hut guessing game thread.... Can see it in other areas of the site.
I suspect it might be a caching issue.
Seems to be showing now for me.... Seems to be a delays of a couple of minutes before the message appears.
Hi. Hopefully it's fixed now.
1–10 of 11

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Started by pmcke
On 28 May 2009
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