three wire bridges

Is there a right and wrong way to walk across these Lindsay
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Here are some good pics!
The 3-wire bridge seen on Today's feature photo is not the one (or those like it) I have been discussing of. Go to the link which is the photo of the crossing (near Julia Hut?)on Waimakariri-Harman Pass Route Hope DoC removes all those like this.
Some more!
DoC don't have any money to replace 3 wire crossings /cableways on low use tracks. 3 wire crossings ain't even that bad.
interestings pics freewebs
Two wire bridges: just found the following on DOC's site claiming to have installed a new one this year. Anyone been to the new Bluff Hut (Hokitika/Mungo) and can confirm this is true? --- Staff have been able to complete a range of work on Back Country facilities including cutting and marking a new section of tramping track from Poet Hut to Bluff Hut, the completion of the construction of the new 2 wire Bluff Bridge, and the completion of the relocation and major upgrade of Bluff Hut. The new track and bridge provides easier access between the Toaroha and Whitcombe valleys. A section of the new track from the Arahura track to Newton Creek Hut has been upgraded. ---
Re the wire bridge over the Mungo. I would think that there is a typo in the article, can't imagine DOC doing a 2 wire but more likely a 3 wire? If I go into the Toaroha at the end of the month, I'll go and have a look for you and bring back a photo. There was an article in "Wilderness" about a year ago of a trip through there. I was talking to one of those trampers later and they had written to DOC advocating the replacement of the old bridge that was knocked out by a slip. They were obviously listened to. No harm in asking! Cheers
21–27 of 27

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