Tramping Partners - April 09

Hi All. I will be in NZ all of April and intend to do the following tramps. + Harman Pass Route (near Arthur's Pass) + Rees Dart inc. Cascade Saddle + Mueller Hut I'd be great to have some company. Let me know if you're interested. Oh, and a little about myself. I'm 24. I live in Australia. I've tramped in NZ once before (I did the Travers Sabine and Queen Charlotte). I'm quite fit. Love the outdoors. I'm a mad keen photographer - hence my adoration for the outdoors, I suppose. Cheers Paul
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That'd be pushing it back by a few days. And the logistics won't allow for it, I am afraid.
Hi Paul, I'd be interested in joining you for the Motatapu Track as well as the Mueller Hut/Mt. Oliver. The dates look fine, but I need to firm up my plans for the rest of March and April - I'll get back to you on this! Lou
Sounds great Lou. I'm glad to have a few people interested in the Motatapu. It seems like a challenge.
Hi Lou Id be keen to do Muellers Hut in April if you do it? (Im based in Canterbury). Cheers Lisa
Hey there I'd be game for all of the above, and basically any other tramps in april, i'm heading into nelson lakes tommorow so wont be out for a few days, but as long as i have a couple days notice i'll try and get to wherever. I'm from Canada, am 23 and pretty well geared and experienced. Lemme know anyone, cheers.
Anyone women want to walk the St James track next week? It is an easy walk. Would suit anyone in the country wanting to try their first tramp, as long as you are fit or someone in Christchurch or nearby. I am a Kiwi, relatively experienced.Thinking of starting Mon 30th March. You can phone on 03 319 6669.
hey woody, i finish the abel tasman on the 2nd of april and than looking at heady down south to do some tramping before joining up to do the rees dart on the 9th, so drop me a line if you want to meet up. emily
hey emily I am leaving nelson lakes today, and heading for the arthurs pass area in the next couple days, there is a bunch of good tramps starting from there but i havnt picked one yet, let me know if u'd be in to heading down that direction. cheers.
Hi All - I will be starting the Rees Dart next Wed, weather permitting. I embark on the Caples Greenstone today and return Monday.
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Forum Tramping partners
Started by pjg084
On 23 January 2009
Replies 18
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