Tramping over the Christmas holidays

Hey all, This is going to be my first Christmas in New Zealand and my partner and I want to do an extended multi-day trip somewhere in the south island during our time off. We are just a little concerned about the crowds. I'm just trying to gauge the tramping culture during the holidays here. Do New Zealanders typically stay home for the holidays with family, or do they typically take the family out traveling?
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yeah that is why i prefer a tent; you only need to share it with your chosen company. and New Zealand has the added benefit of not having deadly animals that might come investigate your camp while your sleeping!
Well i'm only 17 and myself and me father are going tramping for 6 weeks in Kahurangi, mostly off track. including pioneering my own route from golden bay to karamea though the wilderness. Anyways see ya then.
Sounds like a cool trip hellmission, would make my plan walk from the Awatere to Kaikoura appear a bit tame.
11–13 of 13

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Forum The campfire
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On 23 November 2008
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